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DOC 2: Arguing Justice

DOC 2, "Arguing Justice," is a six-unit course offered every winter quarter.

Course Description

DOC 2 builds on the critical reading skills practiced in DOC 1 and extends the investigation of the concepts introduced in the fall quarter.  Students hone their argumentative writing skills by explicitly exploring the question of justice in U.S. society, particularly in the era of the Civl Rights Movement to the current day.  For this writing-intensive course, students will be required to complete several small low-risk writing assignments that lay the groundwork for major papers that require planning, drafting, revising, and editing as part of the writing process. 

Prerequisites and Enrollment

Mandatory prerequisites for DOC 2 are completion of DOC 1 and satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing Requirement.  Students who are enrolled in DOC 1 Fall Quarter 2024 and have already satisfied ELWR will automatically be permitted to enroll in DOC 2 during their Second Pass Enrollment Appointments beginning November 19. Students who are enrolled in DOC 1 and AWP 3 (Analytical Writing) Fall Quarter 2024 will automatically be permitted to enroll in DOC 2 when their Academic History on TritonLink indicates in mid-December that they have satisfied the ELWR prerequisite. (Only those students who completed DOC 1 in Fall Quarter 2023 or earlier should plan to submit a request through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy), and that should not be done until the week of November 19.)    

DOC 2 discussion sections will meet twice a week, starting Week 1.  Adding or switching DOC sections may be done via WebReg as openings occur due to dropping through Friday of Week 1. Students may not add late or miss the first week of the quarter. Students who are still on waitlists at the end of Week 1 should plan to take DOC 2 in 2026.

This course is restricted to Thurgood Marshall College students and must be taken for a Letter Grade.

Lecturers for Winter Quarter 2025

Please see the Schedule of Classes for more information.

Specific Information for Winter Quarter 2025

No student will be able to enroll in DOC 2 before their Second Pass enrollment appointment beginning November 19.  See "Prerequisites and Enrollment" above. 

Enrolled students will access the DOC 2 Syllabus, assignments, additional material, and notices via Canvas.

Students should verify their section number on TritonLink, since several discussion sections may be meeting at the same time. 

Please note that DOC 2 discussion sections listed on the Schedule of Classes with the "building" as RCLAS will meet online only.  Students enrolled in these discussion sections will participate synchronously via Zoom, but they are expected to attend lectures in person.  Please check your UCSD email regularly for the most recent updates from DOC. 

Depicted in image above – top row left to right: Yuri Kochiyama, Martin Luther King, Jr., Angela Davis
bottom row left to right: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dolores Huerta, Thurgood Marshall